Australian PC Awards 2021
This is a evolution of B450 near to the X570
I'm going to try to play games with just the CPU, since gravos are too expensive these days. "Ryzen 5 5600G
PC configuration "Red bean cake" 44 million! Beautiful sauce! - Hang Nga level, championship people!
Build PC for studient with the price is only 36 million using RTX 3080 battle game 2K with TUF GAMING B550M-PLUS | An Phat Computer

Award: Corporate - Hersteller des Jahres
Die Gewinner - Ryzen 7 2700X, Geforce RTX 2070

Best Micro ATX for Ryzen 5 5600X

Hands on the SSD TUF GAMING A1 - Reliability, water resistant

In the hands of the Gaming A1 - The best box Hard Drive SSD

In the hands of the SSD TUF GAMING A1 box - Durable, fast, and water resistance