Tvořte. Pracujte. Bavte se.

An ASUS S501MD is placed on a wooden table, with a monitor placed on its left hand side.


Silný výkon zvládne vše

An ASUS S501MD is shown next to three adjacent displays that are powered by the computer.
Windows 11 Pro
12. generace
Procesor Intel®
64 GB
2 TB + 1 TB
HDD + SSD úložiště


Profesionální grafika

An ASUS S501MD is placed on the left to a monitor, with video editing software displayed on the screen.
Využijte svůj potenciál naplno s grafikami Intel® Arc
An ASUS S501MD is placed on the right to a monitor, with architectural design software displayed on the screen.
Méně tepla, vyšší produktivita


Dva disky pro rychlé a velkokapacitní úložiště

A man is analyzing data through looking at the monitor that is power by an ASUS S501MD on his left-hand side.
1 TB + 2 TB
PCIe® x4 SSD + HDD


Zvuková technologie nové generace potlačující šum pomocí AI

A women is learning lesson through looking at the monitor that is powered by an ASUS S501MD on his right hand side
Ai Noise icon
A women is learning lesson through looking at the monitor that is powered by an ASUS S501MD on his right hand side


Rychlé a plynulé

A man is playing video game through the monitor that is powered by an ASUS S501MD on his left-hand side.
GeForce® RTX 3060
grafika NVIDIA®


Počítač, který se stane součástí vašeho interiéru

A front view of the ASUS S501MD is shown against a geometric backdrop.
Side view of an ASUS S501MD with cold air flowing from the side into the fan and air chamber while waste heat flowing out, exiting from the back of the chassis.
Less heat, more productivity


Komplexní a bezproblémové připojení

The front and rear of ASUS S501MD is shown, with all the ports and connections labelled. From top to bottom, left to right. On the back side, there are PS/2 Mouse port, PS/2 Keyboard port, Display port, HDMI port, VGA port, 2USB 3.1 Gen1 port, LAN (PJ-45) port, 2 USB 2.0 port, Microphone port, Line out port, Line in port, Parallel port, Serial port. On the front side, there are Optical disk driver bay , Microphone port, Headphone port, 2 USB2.0 port, an option of 2 USB 3.2 Gen1 port or USB3.2 Gen1 port plus USB Type-CThe front and rear of ASUS S501MD is shown, with all the ports and connections labelled. From top to bottom, left to right. On the back side, there are PS/2 Mouse port, PS/2 Keyboard port, Display port, HDMI port, VGA port, 2USB 3.1 Gen1 port, LAN (PJ-45) port, 2 USB 2.0 port, Microphone port, Line out port, Line in port, Parallel port, Serial port. On the front side, there are Optical disk driver bay , Microphone port, Headphone port, 2 USB2.0 port, an option of 2 USB 3.2 Gen1 port or USB3.2 Gen1 port plus USB Type-C


Navržen tak, aby vydržel

An ASUS motherboard in black and a CPU highlighted in orange overlay in the center.
Světová jednička v základních deskách
Sloupcový graf porovnává spotřebu energie zařízení s certifikací 80 PLUS a 80 PLUS Bronze.
The power wasted by an 80 PLUS Bronze-certified device is 15% of its total power consumption, and this is 5% lower than standard 80 PLUS-certified device.
Napájejte cokoli
Nine gold-colored solid capacitors in two runs, running diagonally from the bottom left to top-right corner
Špičková hodnota MTBF


Stvořeno pro dlouhodobé používání

  1. Společnost ASUS si v roce 2017 zajistila první příčku na světě na trhu základních desek - podle serveru DigiTimes ovládá tchajwanský gigant, který se zabývá výrobou počítačových komponent, 45 % trhu se základními deskami.
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