TUF Gaming VG27AQL1A

Celkově ASUS TUF Capture Box-CU4K30 dělá přesně to, co inzeruje. Maximálně jednoduše a funkčně, řekl bych. Nenapadá mě, jak by se to dalo dělat ještě jednodušeji. Asi nejzajímavější je prostě pro konzolisty, ale potěší i hráče se dvěma PC, případně streamery na cestách.

"It's been argued that even pro gamers can't perceive or really benefit from numbers above 240 Hz. But even if that’s the case, we’re happy to see any instance of engineers pushing performance into the realm of unnecessary. Pricing and an on-sale date still to come."

It’s 2023, and ASUS has been voted as the Best Gaming Monitor Brand.

For gamers, performance always comes first, then value. And you can clearly see this in our results as ASUS takes Best Gaming Monitor Brand with 26% of the votes, while Prism+ is much further behind at 15%.

The ASUS Republic of Gamers (ROG) branding has been highly successful when it comes to truly building a sub-brand that targets gamers.

With 26% of the votes, ASUS is once again our readers’ favourite gaming monitor brand.
Video recenze
How to build your PC in 2022 !
If i'll give this an award, this will be a Gold Trinhil Award, because this is the first time to use a monitor with wide quad HD and it's worth it, I really appreciate it because before I stay onli to 1920 x 1080p. So that it guys, as you can see, to me, this monitor is really worth it.
WOW. I've seen the future - Asus Tuf VG27AQL1A Review
[Good news] The result of trying whether WQHD (1440p) can be output on PS5 ...! Experience 120fps for the first time on PS5! Fortnite D Gale PS5 PS4 ASUS TUFGAMING VG27AQL1A
Gaming, Gambar, Nonton Dilibas SEMUA SAMA MONITOR INI | ASUS TUF VG27AQL1A
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The best portable monitor for gaming

A rock-solid monitor at a fair price without any flaws. Both still and moving image quality are convincing and speak for a good monitor. The low input lag is not necessarily a matter of course in this price range and is therefore one of the monitor's highlights.

Award: Corporate - Manufacturer of the Year
The winners - Ryzen 7 2700X, Geforce RTX 2070

the whole product specification has been upgraded

the whole product specification has been upgraded

Monitor dengan 144 Hz? Udah biasa~ Di video kali ini Kru KotakGame bakal nge-review sebuah monitor yang canggih banget nih! Dengan refresh rate 170 Hz dan resolusi hingga 2K, monitor ini cocok banget buat kebutuhan gaming khususnya buat player game FPS.