Home > 7 Content Hype Trains to Jump On in 2023

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7 Content Hype Trains to Jump On in 2023

Jan 13, 2023

Author: ASUS    Reading time: 6 minutes

ASUS Vivobook Pro Creator Laptop on a desk in a minimalistic audio recording studio, with a microphone and an on-air sign next to it

Jan 13, 2023

These days, content is everywhere. Just about anyone with a phone or laptop can be a content creator, and nearly everyone consumes it in some form or fashion. While this ever-expanding cloud of content continues to shape the way we go through the world, it also creates massive opportunities for brands willing to understand how the modern customer spends their time online.

Whether targeting B2B or B2C audiences, brands have never had more paths to their ideal customer. Meanwhile, customers no longer view the companies they buy from simply as makers of their favorite products; they’re interested in understanding and relating with the brands on a deeper level. That means content creates endless opportunities for companies to connect more meaningfully with customers.

Here’s a look at some of the content creation trends brands can hop aboard in 2023.

Human Touch

Through all the content platforms, innovations, and trends that have emerged, great storytelling remains among the most worthwhile investments a company can make. And great storytelling tends to put human subjects at the forefront.

People-centric content helps brands showcase empathy and allows their customers to see themselves and their values reflected. While traditional advertising tends to hit consumers hard with a sales message, content gives brands much more space and creativity to interact with their audiences in deeper, more meaningful ways, creating greater brand affinity in the process. Content such as people-centric videos or brand journalism addressing issues relevant to readers are fertile ground for storytelling that brings to life the journeys of the intended audience.

Example: ASUS’ holiday video Grandpa’s Sonata tells a story of how tech can help us create moments and experiences.


Memes tend to rise and fall quickly, so brands need to be particularly engaged to take advantage. Here’s a common scenario: A photo or screenshot catches the public’s eye and is, on its face, already worthy of passing around—say, an enormous container ship blocks the Suez Canal while a relatively tiny excavator makes an attempt to dig it out. A couple people decide to meme it, using the ship to symbolize something huge and daunting while the excavator stands in for a small attempt to make right. Everyone jumps in, and a full-blown phenomenon breaks out.

To be successful in spinning memes in their favor, brands need to have a solid understanding of their audience and brand voice. Do it right—without going too brand-focused and while avoiding anything cringe-worthy—and you’ll find a new and dynamic entry point to forming customer relationships.

And if memes aren’t your brand’s cup of tea, finding other ways to play off pop culture could be—whether through witty quips or insights on current events, social media polls, or creative blog posts.

Example: ASUS Republic of Gamers reaches their audiences on Instagram with memes that are probably too relatable.


If you’ve been ignoring the metaverse, it may be time to rethink that approach. In the simplest terms, the metaverse encompasses the expanding virtual world, accessible through virtual reality, that in various ways will grow to mimic more and more of the physical world.

As it does, the web of e-commerce fueled from the metaverse will also grow, whether users are purchasing virtual goods or consuming experiences built or sponsored by brands. Companies who understand the metaverse and its appeal can already get in on the fun. One way to do so: working with artists selling their work virtually.

Example: ASUS recently teamed up with Philip Colbert on an event to sell the renowned British artist’s unique lobster portraits as NFTs and promote the unique ASUS Vivobook 13 Slate OLED Philip Colbert Edition 2-in-1 laptop.

User-Generated Content

One great way to create massive amounts of content that brings eyeballs to your business, without over-taxing your resources? User-generated content. While it’s not a given that brands will be able to spur genuine user interaction, user-generated content provides massive upside when done well. Here are a few ideas to consider:

  • Social media challenges: Offer prizes for the best responses or captions to various photos, videos, or other content—or simply invite your users to tag and follow to be entered to win.
  • Hashtag movements: Encourage followers to chime in with stories or takes with an underlying theme, tagging their posts with a specific hashtag you’ve created.
  • Filters: Create photo or video filters that users genuinely want to use, tagging your brand or social accounts on the filter.
  • Forums and comments: Create forums or comment-enabled posts on your website that encourage discussion.

Example: ASUS hosted a ProArtist Award competition for content creators and digital artists. This created connections by giving individual content creators an opportunity and a platform to share their work. You can see the award winner here.

High-Impact Visuals

When it comes to content, visuals dominate. Companies should consider investing in video first, images second, and then text.

The keyword in that equation is invest. These days, anyone can pull out a phone and snap a photo or take some video. But doing it well is something else. For brands that want to create high impact with their visuals, it’s worthwhile to hire professionals to bring their projects to life and to provide them with the tools they need to do the job well, such as the high-performance ProArt Studiobook Pro 16 OLED or ASUS Zenbook Pro 16X OLED.

Example: ASUS Republic of Gamers created a star-studded video “ We Are Those Who Dare.” The complex visual storytelling recreates the high-intensity and immersive experiences of different fields and how tech can bring them to new heights.

Virtual Influencers

One very new, up-and-coming digital marketing trend you may not have heard of: the rise of virtual influencers. These are nonhuman—but human-like—influencers that are quickly gaining considerable followings. It’s easy to see why: Unbounded by physical location, virtual influencers are held back only by their own creativity.

Brands have latched on—not only because of the rapidly growing reach of these virtual influencers, but also because working with them generally allows greater control over the conception and execution of marketing campaigns. And the end product reaches a younger demographic many brands covet.

Example: Teflon Sega is a perfect example. The purple, animated singer releases one song per week via his social media and streaming platforms. And in a little more than a year, he’s topped 19 million Spotify plays and 15 million YouTube plays, not to mention an Instagram following of more than 120,000 people. Virtual influencers like Teflon Sega may not be real, but their followings and the influence they wield certainly are. Here he is, enjoying the ASUS Zenbook 17 Fold OLED.

Interactive Content

Intersecting with many of the above digital marketing trends is the idea of interactivity, which drives audience engagement. Brands can, for instance, create a more interactive website that goes beyond simply serving as a product catalog and instead produces meaningful experiences for users.

Clothing companies that create virtual fitting rooms or furniture companies that allow you to overlay furniture over your photos have grasped this concept well.

There are many ways to boost interactivity. Virtual and augmented reality can create experiences that stick with consumers. Social media polls, questions, and quizzes can get more customers involved in your company.

Overall, keeping interactivity at the forefront of your digital suite can keep more of your audience engaged in your brand experience for longer periods of time.

Example: ASUS ROG created an original, digital version of a “Where’s Waldo” book (only, “Where’s ROG”) for people to explore during the Summer Is Coming Campaign.

Building Your Brand Awareness Through Content Creation

For companies that do it right, the rewards of great content are immense. Content can shape a positive brand reputation and drive recognition, improve your marketing, and ultimately boost sales and impact the bottom line.

But content is a long-term commitment that requires time and creativity if it’s to be done right. Content creators are powerful, and equipping them with the right time and resources to do their jobs only improves the return on investment.

Whether making videos or writing articles, creating memes or finding other ways to stir up customer interaction, content creators need the correct tools to do the job. With laptops for every kind of creator and a full suite of other products to drive productivity, ASUS has what creators need to take their content to the next level.

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