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  • In Search Of Incredible
  • Elegant Design
  • Uncompromising Performance
  • Beautiful Display
  • Immersive Audio
  • Intuitive Touch
  • Multi-function Base
  • Comprehensive Connections
  • Industry-leading Reliability
  • Built-in Apps
Vivo AiO V220IB
ASUS Desktops – Most recommended Windows desktop brand
Vivo AiO video

Vivo AiO Series

The Vivo AiO Series has everything you need from an all-in-one PC — display, processor, graphics, storage, memory and more — all housed in a sleek and self-contained design. Thoughtfully designed for easy, intuitive and interactive home computing, the slim and stylish Vivo AiO Series features responsive 10-point multi-touch displays, and will be available in a choice of three sizes: 19.5 inches (V200), 21.5 inches (V220) and 23 inches (V230).

Designed for Living

Sense and space: sophistication and elegance in harmony

Sense and Space: this is what we call our design philosophy for ASUS desktop PCs. Compact, self-contained devices make it easier to keep your surroundings clean and free from clutter, whether you need a great workspace that lets you concentrate on important tasks, or just a calm place to kick back and relax.

Sense and Space defines how an ASUS desktop PC shapes the atmosphere and aesthetics of a room. It takes concepts such as simplicity, intuition, vigor, harmony and musicality, and embodies them using the latest, most innovative technology. The result? The All-in-One PC that's like no other – the ASUS Vivo AiO Series.

Vivo AiO design

Sculpted Hinge

Inspired by the famous designer's graceful artwork—crevasse vase, ASUS designed the silver, sculpted hinge for V220IB. Just like the sculpture, the hinge for V220IB curves gracefully from the base, and unlike any other All-in-One PC, connects to the rear for a more elegant appearance.

Uncompromising Performance

Faster and smoother for everyday tasks.
Enjoy a world of power-saving efficiency thanks to the latest technology.

Vivo AiO performance
Powerful Intel quad–core processor

Powered by Intel® Pentium® processor— the V220IB Series consumes less energy, but still delivers outstanding performance. Switch seamlessly between applications for effortless multitasking when web surfing, making animated presentations or creating music or home videos — and you'll spend less time waiting when doing demanding tasks thanks to Intel® Technology, which in some instances can delivers an automatic burst of speed whenever it's required. The V220IB Series meets your basic performance needs.

Advanced NVIDIA® GeForce graphics

V220IB Series features NVIDIA® GeForce 930M graphics. It lets you preview and create HD video faster, save more time when sharing high-quality photos with friends, and enjoy smoother animation as well as better responsiveness when playing the latest games.

Stunning 22-inch Full HD Display

Immerse yourself in vibrant high-definition images

Razor-sharp Full HD

Built with industry-leading technology, V220IB Series features an LED-backlit display that offers instant-on brightness and allows the PC to be ultra-slim. The stunning edge-to-edge 21.5-inch widescreen display makes everything you see vivid and vibrant. Enjoy true-to-life colors with every image, whether it's a beautiful sunset, a clear blue sky or gorgeous skin tones. Full HD 1920x1080 resolution lets you enjoy games and movies in impeccable detail with amazing color and contrast.

Vibrant, Vivid, Viva!

Everything you see on the brilliant display is vivid and vibrant. Enjoy true-to-life colors with every image, whether it's a beautiful sunset, a clear blue sky or a family snapshot.

Vivo AiO HD display

SonicMaster Premium audio technology

High-fidelity sound optimized by audio experts

SonicMaster Premium
Vivo AiO SonicMaster
Rich, crystal-clear sound

The V220IB has built-in stereo speakers,all powered by ASUS SonicMaster Premium technology for the ultimate audio experience. Enjoy deeper and richer bass, wider frequency response, true-to-life surround sound, powerful output, distinct vocals, and pristine clarity. Every song, movie, and game sounds better, thanks to carefully-balanced dynamic audio.

Easy audio tuning

ASUS AudioWizard has five preset modes for music, movie, gaming, recording, and speech that make it easy to tailor the sound to suit your preferences and listening environment, ensuring lifelike sound in music, movies and games. The unique interface puts you first, so it's intuitive and user-friendly, with quick and direct access to your settings plus the flexibility to optimize it to your liking.

Stay Connected

Connect quicker with amazing ASUS technology

Vivo AiO USB
Fast connectivity
with the latest technology

Ultra-fast dual-band 802.11ac Wi-Fi allows Vivo AiO to connect to any wireless network at the best possible speed, and with less interference. And with a maximum speed of 867Mbit/s, it's almost as fast as a wired network! USB 3.0 has become the standard high-performance data transfer technology for PCs, and it can transfer data between devices up to 10 times (10x) faster than USB 2.0.

Expandable memory.
Super-fast charging

V220IB features Dual In-Line Memory Module door (DIMM door), this allows you to seamlessly expand your PC's memory in seconds! V220IB allows you to upgrade your memory from 2GB to 4GB to enjoy the faster storage experience as an option.

High quality visual

HDMI output ports lets you hook your Vivo AiO up to an HDTV to supersize your entertainment. An HDMI cable transmits both audio and video signals in a single cable instead of separating the two signals.

Industry-leading Reliability

Quality you can trust.

ASUS Desktops – Most recommended Windows desktop brand

Innovation, design and reliability are at the heart of all ASUS computers. Winning Readers' Choice for overall satisfaction for the second year in a row, and for the third successive year in the home category, is proof that ASUS is better at delivering what customers want than rival Windows desktop PC companies. As PCMag.com says: “If you want a Windows desktop PC, ASUS is the best choice.

*Reprinted from www.pcmag.com with permission. © 2015 Ziff Davis, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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