"; $sql_lang=" and lang like '%global%' "; $list_q="select * from ".$db_prefix."banner where 1 ".$sql_lang." and data_type='圖片' and status='Y' order by order_num limit 5"; $list_r=db_q($list_q); while($rs=get_data($list_r)) { $title=$rs[title]; $sub_title=$rs[sub_title]; $content=$rs[content]; $chk_q="select sn from ".$db_prefix."banner_local_status where 1 and lang='".$_SESSION[web][lang]."' and status='Y' and info_sn='".$rs[sn]."' "; $chk_r=db_q($chk_q); if(r_size($chk_r)) { if($_SESSION[web][lang]!="global") { $sel_q="select title,content,sub_title from ".$db_prefix."banner_lang where 1 and info_sn='".$rs[sn]."' and lang='".$_SESSION[web][lang]."'"; $sel_r=db_q($sel_q); if($rs1=get_data($sel_r)) { $title=$rs1[title]; $sub_title=$rs1[sub_title]; $content=$rs1[content]; } } $pass=1; } elseif($_SESSION[web][lang]=="global") { $pass=1; } else{ $pass=0; } if($rs[block_style]=="左文右圖" and $pass) { print "




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"; } elseif($pass) { print "




"; } }//while print "
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  • ".$show_logo."
  • "; } } print "

".trans_lang("ARM YOUR BATTLESTATION")."

  • ".trans_lang("ALL")."
  • "; $sql=" select m.sn,m.top_title from ".$db_prefix."menu_top_goods m"; $sql.=" left join ".$db_prefix."goods as g on m.top_title=g.goods_type"; $sql.=" left join ".$db_prefix."goods_lang as gl on g.sn=gl.info_sn and gl.lang like '%\"".$_SESSION[web][lang]."\"%' "; $sql.=" where 1 "; $sql.=" and m.status='Y'"; $sql.=" group by g.goods_type"; $sql.=" order by m.order_num"; $temp=db_q($sql); $i=1; while($menutop=get_data($temp)){ if($i==0){ $temp_sn=$menutop["sn"]; $temp_title=$menutop["top_title"]; $show_active="active"; }else{ $show_active=""; } print "
  • ".trans_lang($menutop["top_title"])."
  • "; $i++; } print "

".trans_lang("Models vary by regions. Please check with regional sales and official site for product availability.")."


"; $data_type="goods"; $one_page=3; $list_q="select v.sn "; $list_q.="from ".$db_prefix."video as v "; $list_q.="left join ".$db_prefix."video_local_status as vls on v.sn=vls.info_sn and vls.lang='".$_SESSION[web][lang]."' "; $list_q.="where 1 and ((v.lang ='global' and vls.status='Y') or v.lang='".$_SESSION[web][lang]."') and v.data_type='".$data_type."' and v.status='Y' order by v.order_num "; $list_r=db_q($list_q); $chk_num=r_size($list_r); if($chk_num) { $page_data=get_page($one_page,$page,$chk_num); //$list_q="select * from ".$db_prefix."video where 1 ".$sql_lang." and data_type='product' and status='Y' order by order_num limit ".$one_page." "; $list_q="select v.* "; $list_q.="from ".$db_prefix."video as v "; $list_q.="left join ".$db_prefix."video_local_status as vls on v.sn=vls.info_sn and vls.lang='".$_SESSION[web][lang]."' "; $list_q.="where 1 and ((v.lang ='global' and vls.status='Y') or v.lang='".$_SESSION[web][lang]."') and v.data_type='".$data_type."' and v.status='Y' order by v.order_num "; $list_q.=" limit ".$page_data[start_page].",".$page_data[one_page]." "; $list_r=db_q($list_q); while($rs=get_data($list_r)) { $pic1=$rs[pic1]; $sn=$rs[sn]; $title=$rs[title]; $url=restore_data_all($rs[url]); $chk_q="select url,lang from ".$db_prefix."video_lang where 1 and lang='".$_SESSION[web][lang]."' and info_sn='".$rs[sn]."' "; $chk_r=db_q($chk_q); if($rs1=get_data($chk_r)) { if($rs1[url]) { $url=restore_data_all($rs1[url]); } } $url=str_replace("\"","'",$url); $show_link=""; if($url) { if(instr($url,"youtu.be")) { $code=explode("/",$url); $y_code=$code[count($code)-1]; } else { $code=explode("&",basename($url)); $y_code=str_replace("watch?v=","",$code[0]); } $show_link="Asus


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