[NUC] NUC Intel Active Management Technology (AMT) Setup Guide

1. Client :
-Enter BIOS setup to set MEBx setting 
-Intel AMT Configuration -> Network Access State -> Network Active。


-Network Setup -> TCP/IP Settings-> Wired LAN IPV4 Configuration to choose Enable DHCP or Disable DHCP to set AMT fixed IP depends on network environment
-Enter OS to set TCP/IPv4 depends on network environment


- IP address:16992 to check the AMT has been assigned an IP address.

-Ping IP to Console unit


2. Console  :
-Use MeshCommander tool as the link:  https://www.meshcommander.com/meshcommander
-Enter OS to set TCP/IPv4 depends on depends on network environment


 - Ping to Client unit
 - MeshCommander application setting





** Intel Active Management Technology supports for those NUC models that with Intel vPro CPU.