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Android 15 Game Genie Issue

Game Genie has been broken since upgraded to Android 15.Both the newest firmware and the previous version on Android 15 have the same issue.When key mapping is enabled, option "Enhance pointer precision" is not effective. Toggling off this option doe...

ROG Rapture GT-BE98 Pro

The ROG Rapture GT-BE98 Pro will not connect to the Xfinity Cable modem (Technicolor cgm4981) if the cable modem is in bridge mode. Is anyone else having this issue?  It will only sync if the modem is in its normal gateway/modem mode (where it transm...

Should I upgrade to Android 15?

I am currently keeping the last version of Android 14.Is there some issues or disadvantages on Android 15 update?(Ex. More old apps can't be installed)Or is it better to keeping Android 14?  

AlexH by Rising Star I
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我覺得不只是ZenFone 11 ultra 的訊號要改進,畢竟訊號不好做什麼事情都要等很久,我覺得這部分可以和vivo看齊,因為人家的訊號很好

Error codigo 00

Buenas ojala puedan ayudarme un poco con mi problema Mi pc ultimadamente me ha dado el código de error 00 esto sucede cada que intento colocar un M.2 en mi placa base o cuando intento realizar la configuración de la frecuencia de mi memoria RAM de 13...


在用FB浮動視窗在調整大小,拉一拉突然長寬的比例跑掉,然後不管怎麼拉都變不回去,視窗內的大小也很奇怪。圖一是比例跑掉的FB,上面的三個藍色小點明顯變大很多而且比例也不對,變扁了,裡面的圖示也都偏大。 圖二是用其他APP正常比例的大小,上面三個藍色小點正常來說偏小而且是圓形的。 然後有錄一段調整浮動視窗大小的影片

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HHC by Rising Star II
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Rog phone 6 audio

Hello, can someone tell me if I can stop it from switching to "gaming" audio mode when I open games and stay on "music" as I have it? Because I listen to music on YouTube and when I open games, the sound changes, it switches to gaming and I don't lik...


關於手機設定有幾個問題想請教1.手機下方的導覽列旁的旋轉螢幕按鈕能更改位置嗎?我上一隻是用zenfone 5 ,他是把它放在最近使用應用程式的旁邊 按返回鍵時不會觸碰到2.最近使用的應用程式的背景有辦法變透明嗎?3.應用程式的群組打開後會顯示在螢幕下方,有辦法設成置中嗎?

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宇陽 by Visitor
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