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see you ROGphone8

私のROGphoneは突如カメラがおかしくなり始めメインカメラがマクロカメラに、マクロカメラがメインカメラに、ズームが超広角カメラにズレてしまい、ASUSは助けてくれないので売ることにします不良品をつくって、その上自分たちでなんとかしろと言うASUS様には失望しました壊れたROGphone8にROG tessen、色々な楽しい思い出がありますが不良品となってサポートをしてくれなくなった今、もうASUSファンを辞めるしかありません下のリンクは私のXのスマホカメラ異常の証拠動画ですASUS様どうか対...

X Sense In Mobile Legends

I just want to know if X Sense on ROG 8 will support Mobile Legends? Because it seems like ROG 9 already supports Mobile Legends, and I want X Sense on ROG 8 to also support Mobile Legends. As seen in the video below, X Sense on ROG 9 already support...

Kyojo by Star I
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ROG Theta 7.1 爆音問題再現

前幾天ac更新到最新版,這兩天用耳機用沒半小時爆音一次,以下為ac版本、theta 7.1版本,windows 11版本theata保固內換過一組新的,結果現在又開始會爆音耳朵一直被炸很不爽   

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AniMe Vision only works in the beginning - response

Hi! This isn't exactly a new post, this particular topic was actually posted by another user and a mod has responded to it already.  I am just sending a response or new info to the original post, in the form of this post, since that one has been clos...

ZenWiFi BT8 只要重開機WAN就會降速

韌體版本:因為有設定定時重啟,發現只要重開機後WAN就會降速成100M,但只要重新插拔網路線後,速度就會速度就會恢復正常。曾經試過的操作:1. 透過手動斷電重啟或是從管理介面去點選重啟,速度一樣都會降,也是要透過插拔網路線材恢復。2. 也換過多條CAT 6的線材,也是一樣的狀況。3. 將BT8還原為原廠設定,狀況依舊。4. 最後也去報修過中華電信,請他們來更換小烏龜,但也是一樣的狀況。看起來應該是這台BT8主機的問題了,此問題前幾天有透過管理介面的「問題回報」反...

Zenfone 11 ultra Bluetooth audio issue

Hello, I got this phone for a discount after my old one died. It's a fine device but I noticed an issue. I'm a heavy user of wireless earbuds. And often the audio jitters or is low quality or straight up cuts out. Forcing me to restart my earbuds or ...

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